Remember these? Yeah. Part of the super, duper fall harvest.
Well, they sat, and sat, and sat for a bit more until Halloween had well passed and if we didn't do something soon, so would they.
"We can't let them rot" Jer said, a little manic, I worked hard growing all those.
"Yeah" I quipped, "You successfully grew a kabillion tons of something you don't even like the taste of!"
"Well" he retorted, for all yet to be retorts have to start with 'well', "I suppose it doesn't can very well..."
I felt a little be sad for him. He did put a lot of energy into those gorgeous pumpkins. So, I caved. I called his mother, otherwise known as the queen of everything canned.
"Oh sure" she said in her 'we are farmers and anything can be done' voice, "it takes a little while but it can be done and it's pretty good."
When I relayed this news to him - another Jeremiah inspiration hit.
Ok, it's slightly more labor intensive than my clever byline, but not much. The pumpkin is cooked and spiced. All you do is mix 4 eggs, 18 oz evaporated milk and 1 cup of sugar together. Dump in your pumpkin, stir and split between two pie crusts.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention - one jar makes two pies.
Cool huh?
But, just in case you were wondering, my mother in law's nonchallance turned out to be the understatment of the year to the tune of a couple early morning nights waiting for the pressure canner to de-compress.
Still - the pies are yummy!
Any post-thanksgiving food revelations for you? What's everyone else showing and telling?
Well, they sat, and sat, and sat for a bit more until Halloween had well passed and if we didn't do something soon, so would they.
"We can't let them rot" Jer said, a little manic, I worked hard growing all those.
"Yeah" I quipped, "You successfully grew a kabillion tons of something you don't even like the taste of!"
"Well" he retorted, for all yet to be retorts have to start with 'well', "I suppose it doesn't can very well..."
I felt a little be sad for him. He did put a lot of energy into those gorgeous pumpkins. So, I caved. I called his mother, otherwise known as the queen of everything canned.
"Oh sure" she said in her 'we are farmers and anything can be done' voice, "it takes a little while but it can be done and it's pretty good."
When I relayed this news to him - another Jeremiah inspiration hit.
Ok, it's slightly more labor intensive than my clever byline, but not much. The pumpkin is cooked and spiced. All you do is mix 4 eggs, 18 oz evaporated milk and 1 cup of sugar together. Dump in your pumpkin, stir and split between two pie crusts.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention - one jar makes two pies.
Cool huh?
But, just in case you were wondering, my mother in law's nonchallance turned out to be the understatment of the year to the tune of a couple early morning nights waiting for the pressure canner to de-compress.
Still - the pies are yummy!
Any post-thanksgiving food revelations for you? What's everyone else showing and telling?